Water Jug/Water Basin
A water jug (called Mizusashi) is used for pouring water into a kettle and washing a tea bowl inside. It is made normally of pottery like tea bowls in lots of famous kilns. A lid is sometimes made of lacquered ware. A Water Basin (called Kensui) is used for keeping a waste water. Also made of pottery in kilns and there are many curios. Both are necessary items for an officail tea ceremony.SubCategory in “Water Jug/Water Basin”
#318751 $58.00
#345391 $200.00
#309921 $250.00
#327881 $128.00
#355381 $250.00
#292841 $98.00
#315911 $158.00
#307321 $250.00
#317071 $250.00
#323671 $158.00
#353991 $350.00
#334001 $128.00
#353431 $350.00
#353231 $58.00
#353021 $180.00
#353081 $78.00
#280791 $58.00
#303041 $250.00
#284841 $58.00
#305721 $98.00
#352661 $180.00
#352481 $128.00
#350621 $200.00
#328961 $200.00
#317311 $200.00
#257141 $300.00
#351721 $158.00
#351561 $158.00
#350941 $600.00
#350911 $350.00
#306881 $158.00
#301841 $158.00
#350111 $158.00
#349951 $128.00
#299121 $78.00
#349411 $200.00
#290281 $58.00
#349041 $158.00
#327611 $78.00
#326221 $38.00
#276931 $200.00
#234541 $250.00
#270741 $58.00
#345151 $300.00
#333551 $180.00
#307471 $200.00
#305811 $200.00
#330761 $300.00
#257491 $200.00
#241721 $300.00
#321551 $78.00
#161921 $250.00
#138461 $158.00
#305681 $158.00
#267861 $158.00
#326681 $58.00
#229451 $78.00
#256641 $38.00
/ Water Basin#318241 $158.00
#138761 $500.00