A kettle (Tetsubin) and a brazier are used for an official tea ceremony. The shape of a brazier is almost same but on the other hand, there are various design of kettels made by artists in past time. We would be able to know how wonderful their techniques were. They are so attractive and fascinated. We have a couple of masterpieces here. Please appreciate their talents to see these items. We would like you to have it close to you if you really like it.-
#321091 $300.00
#369521 $250.00
#369431 $250.00
#369191 $250.00
#201871 $600.00
#369161 $158.00
#356181 $300.00
#308391 $128.00
#295301 $200.00
Chosen-furo Made Of Alloy For Ura-senke Use / Chosen-furo#359511
#368451 $250.00
#156341 $98.00
#270991 $300.00
#297961 $200.00
#368291 $250.00
#346811 $250.00
#325781 $200.00
#367861 $250.00
#367781 $250.00
#367551 $200.00
#367011 $58.00
#367091 $110.00
#302071 $300.00
#357541 $700.00
#366871 $500.00
#324761 $500.00
#292721 $98.00
#326931 $158.00
#292101 $500.00
#366351 $250.00
#366361 $300.00
#347421 $400.00
#366221 $78.00
#360231 $78.00
#360221 $180.00
#360041 $400.00
#146081 $22.00
#358641 $350.00
#358341 $250.00
#307371 $250.00
#356881 $250.00
#356671 $1,000.00
#332271 $600.00
#231111 $200.00
#356161 $78.00
#271541 $158.00
#286571 $200.00
#236251 $78.00
#277011 $700.00
#352571 $128.00
#266461 $78.00
#280881 $68.00
#122311 $200.00
#242441 $200.00
#199451 $250.00
#221061 $128.00
#121841 $500.00
#202811 $700.00
#199131 $700.00
#282421 $950.00