Hanging Scroll With Shuchiku

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$128.00 Add to CART

Item No#171901
ItemHanging Scroll
MaterialSilk Other
Sizewidth 59cm  23 1/4", height 187.5cm  73 3/4"

Item description : Kenpon Kakejiku with elegant Shuchiu (bamboo in red)

Age : 1990's
Condition : Excellent almost in mint

Shipping Method
Express to United States $43.40
Standard to United States$28.60
Express to Europe$36.60
Standard to Europe$28.60

NOTE: Because of the size limit, we can not send by 'small packet SAL'. So either Regular(non-small packet) 'SAL(Standard)' or 'EMS(Express)' is applied. (It is rare but sometimes, Express shipping becomes more reasonable than Standard shipping).

If the shipping is to other area, please proceed to 'Check Out'. The shipping cost will be shown there.
( You will not be charged unless you click 'Submit' button. )

Regarding the shipment, a standard delivery still has been suspended since April 2020 and never been back to normal, we are afraid. So please allow us to use EXPRESS only now. We will offer a standard delivery as soon as it is available again. Sorry for an inconvenience.

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